Jean-Luc Godard
Godard's King Lear: "The image is the purest creation of the soul; It cannot arise in contrast, but between the reconciliation of two realities, between two very different distant realities. The more distant and appropriate the connection between these two realities, the stronger they become; The more they show their emotional power. Two unconnected realities that cannot be usefully combined do not produce images. Two opposing realities do not come together, they resist each other. People rarely derive strength and power from either side."
ME:I wanted to show the audience in my films something of the nonchalant absurdity of watching a mental patient on a monitor. Finally, the psychopath looks into the camera and sees that a good play is over - the protagonist is not the psychopath and the audience is not God. The real masters are the people sitting behind the camera and in front of the editing machine, who are all part of the show.