It's such a beautiful day(1)
Focus on the relationship established between cinematic space and time and mental illness (Serrano, 2015).
The presentation of time and space is a very interesting part of the movie. Through the deconstruction of time and space on the screen, the creator constructs a world felt by patients with mental illness, thus crossing the cognitive gap and achieving a common sense with the audience in audio-visual. Having the animation encounter a vague live-action, experimenting with all the special effects, splitting the story with fuzzy memories and unclear time passage - these are all handy tools (Robinson, 2021). The creators destroy the audio-visual narration of traditional animated films and the lens language of live-action films, and pull the audience into a language learning environment like a newborn child - film language. By repeating pictures, emphasizing colors and constantly changing special effects, they destroy the "order" or the time-space perception of the normal world.
秩序的重建也是需要重视的一点。由于观众认知水平的不统一,创作者往往需要用非主流的手法以及非线性的叙事来帮助观众得到与主角相同的体验。这一方式也在False Wife中有所体现。这是一部poppers 训练视频,观众通过视频体验poppers人群的吸食体验。整部影片运用了大量令人晕眩的视觉效果,模糊的色情片段和全程机械式的女声画外音来建构一个虚幻的亲密关系,营造真实的吸食体验(daviddalegallery,2023)。
At the same time, the simplicity of the animation combined with the live action/real world shows the collision of two worlds that are completely separated. While rationalizing the factors of the protagonist's mental illness, it highlights the difference between the mental illness patients' cognition of the world and that of normal people. At the same time, since the main character is not a "real" person, but a stereotyped character created with stick figures, it gives the audience more space to think and not create unnecessary stereotypes.
The restoration of order is also a priority. Due to the disunity of the audience's cognitive level, the creator often needs to use non-mainstream techniques and non-linear narration to help the audience get the same experience as the protagonist. This approach is also reflected in False Wife. This is a poppers training video, through which the audience experiences the poppers' smoking experience. The film uses a large number of dizzying visual effects, vague pornographic clips and mechanical female voice-overs to construct an illusory intimate relationship and create a real smoking experience (daviddalegallery, 2023).
Repetition, narration, and exaggerated colors are extremely effective means of establishing new language systems.
In children's cognition of film and the construction of children's film, Tseng emphasizes the role of narrative.
"Narrative is often used as a cross-curricular tool to promote understanding of time. Common patterns of temporal features in audiovisual narratives are crucial to children's narrative understanding. The core systems of time characteristics are event time, sequence and frequency. A linguistic-based framework integrates and constructs these systems for empirical testing."
由图片可知(Halliday 和 Matthiessen,2004),图中的多重影响因素儿童对于叙事的认知建构。然而,作为被引入了新的语言系统的观众,也面临的与儿童同样的学习困境。在这种困境中,创作者需要通过运用这些要素来帮助观众重建合理的电影世界。
As can be seen from the picture (Halliday and Matthiessen, 2004), the cognitive construction of narrative by children with multiple influencing factors in the picture. However, as an audience introduced to a new language system, they also face the same learning dilemma as children. In this dilemma, the creator needs to help the audience rebuild the reasonable movie world by using these elements.
Here are my four tips:
Puppetize the main character and props (the main character will wear a frog costume throughout)
The construction of multiple perspectives on the screen brings together multiple Spaces into the same picture
Animation and the real world
Repetition and color emphasis are used to help construct a new cognitive system
Reference List:
1. Rodríguez Serrano, A. (2015). La dignidad y el sentido. Narrativa audiovisual y enfermedad mental en It´s such a beautiful day (Don Hertzfeldt, 2012). Doxa Comunicación. Revista Interdisciplinar De Estudios De Comunicación Y Ciencias Sociales, (21), 113–132.
2. Robinson, C. (2021). Mad eyed misfits: Writings on indie animation (First ed.).Chapter 11. CRC Press.
3.Tseng, C., Djonov, E., IT-fakulteten, Department of Applied Information Technology (GU), Göteborgs universitet, Gothenburg University, IT Faculty, & Institutionen för tillämpad informationsteknologi (GU). (2023). Children’s comprehension of time in audiovisual narratives: A multimodal discourse and empirical approach. Linguistics and Education, 73, 101144.
Reference Film:
False wife
It's such a beautiful day